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Crashed Car

Professional Chiropractic Care in Central Florida

Auto Accidents
What You Don't Know About Auto Accident
Recovery Can Hurt You

Concrete Wall


Automobile accidents are a part of our everyday life here in the Sunshine State, but what you don’t know CAN hurt you. Recent changes have been adopted by Florida that stipulate that patients must have a initial treatment within 14 days of the accident or forfeit their Personal Injury Protection (Fla. Stat. 627.736 (1)(a)1). Therefore, if you wish to file a claim towards your $10,000 of PIP insurance which you have already paid for on your auto insurance, you need to see someone within 14 days.


A high quality chiropractor is ideal for these type of injuries as the most common injury associated with auto accidents is whiplash. Whiplash is essentially a soft tissue injury involving the cervical and/or lumbar ligaments and muscles that stabilize your head, neck, and or low back. This type of injury can have a DELAYED ONSET and you may not experience any
symptoms, or minimal symptoms, for several days. Quite often the low level aching will continue to increase in discomfort if not cared for properly.​​


At Stewart Wellness & Chiropractic, Dr. Stewart has a history of success with whiplash. Proper whiplash care consists of personalized care, based on individual situations and may involve short to long term therapies and rehab. Proper care will ensure that your injury is resolved in the shortest time period possible and doesn’t nag at you for years after your benefits are exhausted.





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