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Professional Chiropractic Care in Central Florida

School and Sports Physicals
All Sports Exams are only $25

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Does Your Student Need a Sports, School or Camp Physical? At Stewart Wellness and Chiropractic, we offer affordable and convenient sports physicals for all students.


A typical sports physical includes:

  • Discussion of past medical and family history

  • How medical history pertains to current activity like asthma, diabetes, past injuries and

  • Height and Weight Reporting

  • Blood Pressure

  • Heart Rate


What to bring to the sports physical?
Please be sure to bring all physical forms with you provided by school or camp. The doctor will need to complete these and sign them. If you are a minor, you should bring you parent or legal guardian to the appointment.​


When should I have my sports physical?
The sports physical should be performed 6-8 weeks prior to the beginning of the sport or activity. This is so if any condition or injury is present, there is time to have any follow-up exams or treatment.






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